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Pharmaceutical industry standard of the people's Republic of China
Test method for sterile medical device package
Part 1 Test guide for accelerated aging
Released in 2009-06-16      Implemented in 2010-12-01
Issued by the State Food and Drug Administration
This part of YY/T 0681 revises use ASTM F 1980-02 “Standard guide for sterile medical device package accelerated aging test”. This part is equal with ASTM F 198 2 of equal-02 in the technical content. The main difference lies in deviation between editing differences and reference standard.
This part appendix A is the normative appendix, and appendix B is the descriptive appendix.  
The other parts of YY/T 0681 “Test method for sterile medical device package” will continue to develop1).
This part is responsible by the National Medical Infusion Appliances Standardization Technical Committee.
Chief development organization: Shandong Medical Equipment Products Quality Inspection Center and Guangdong Province Medical Device Supervision Inspection Institute.
This part main drafters: WuPing, Hong Liangtong, Hu Xianghua, and He Xiaofan.
1) The other parts will converse the related test method standard for medical package in ASTM F.
Test method for sterile medical device package
Part I Guide for accelerated aging test
1 Scope
1.1 This part of YY/T 0681 provides information for the compilation of accelerated aging scheme in order to quickly determine the impact of experience of time and environment on the sterile integrity of package and physical characteristics of package materials.
1.2 The information obtained in this part can be used to support effective date given by product package.
1.3 Guide for accelerated aging involves primary package entirety, doesn't involve these aspects that may be involved in the development of new product such as interactions between package and product or compatibility. In the process of material analysis before package design, compatibility and interaction of package and product should be involved.
1.4 This part doesn’t involve aging scheme in real time. However, aging research in real time can be used to testify the results of accelerated aging test with the same evaluation method.
1.5 The methods used to determine the package process include mechanical process, sterilization process, impact of transport and storage don’t involve in the scope of this part.
1.6 This part doesn’t involve all the safety aspects in the usage. Before the usage of this part corresponding safety and health regulation should be established and determine that its complying with the regulations is the responsibility of the user of this part.
2 Normative reference documents
The provisions in following documents become the provisions for this part through quotation of YY/T 0681 this part. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding content of corrigenda) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply to this part. However, parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents indicated below. For all the reference documents not marked with dates, their latest version applies to this part.
GB/T 4857.2 Package   Basic tests for transport packages   Part II: Adjustment of temperature and humidity (GB/T 4857. 2-2005, ISO 2233: 2000, MOD)
GB/T 11605-2005   Method for humidity measurement
GB/T 15171   Test method for leaks in sealed flexible packages
GB/T 19633   Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices (GB/T 19633-2005, ISO 11607: 2003, IDT)
ASTM D 4169 Performance test specifications for transport container and system
ASTM F 88   Test method for seal strength of flexible barrier materials
ASTM F 1140 Unconstrained and internal-pressure resistance destructive test method for medical flexible package
ASTM F 1585 Test guide for the permeability barrier medical package integrity
ASTM F 1608 Grade test method of microbial barrier for medical packaging air permeability packaging materials
ASTM F 1929 Test method for seal leakage in determination of porous material medical package with the dyeing liquid penetration method
3 Term and definition
3.1 General term
The terms and definition determined in GB/T 19633 apply to this part of YY/T 0681.
3.2 Special term
3.2.1 Accelerated aging AA
Samples are stored in a higher temperature (TAA) in order to shorten the time to simulate real time aging.
3.2.2 Accelerated aging factor AAF
An estimated or calculated time ratio that attain physical properties changes of the same level with the package stored in real time condition.
3.2.3 Accelerated aging temperature TAA
TAA is a higher temperature in aging research. It is base on the estimated storage temperature and estimated usage temperature or both to calculate.
3.2.4 Accelerated aging time AAT
AAT is the length of time for carrying on accelerated aging test.
3.2.5 Ambient temperature TRT
TRT represents the storage temperature of real aging time samples in storage condition.
3.2.6 Package shelf life n
It is the length of time for the forecasted storage of packages that can keep its key performance parameters in ambient condition or regulated storage condition.
3.2.7 Real-time aging RT
It is the storage time for the samples in ambient condition.
3.2.8 Real-time equivalent RTE
The estimation of given accelerated aging condition is equivalent to the aging time in real time.
3.2.9 Zero time t0
It is the starting time of aging research.
3.3 Symbols
Q10: the aging factor when the temperature is increased or decreased 10℃
Tm: melting temperature of materials
Tg: glass transition temperature
Ta: alfa temperature; heat distortion temperature
4. Significance and Application
4.1 The physical properties of materials and the adhesive may degrade over time. Dynamic events in the storage and transportation may lead to loss of integrity of package.
4.2 GB/T 19633 describes, the manufacturer shall confirm the final package is at least in the shelf life within the medical device claims. In the harsh sale, storage, transport and aging conditions, and storage conditions regulated by manufacturer keep its integrity and package should not be damaged and opened.
4.3 Aging procedure in real time provides the optimum data for assuring package materials and package integrity not degrade over time. But in the market conditions that products being updated rapidly, the new products need to be put into the market in the shortest possible time. The aging research in real time can not meet this demand. Accelerated aging research provides another alternative method for us. In order to assure accelerated aging research can represent actually the real time effect, the real time aging research should be implemented synchronously with accelerated aging research. The real time research must implement up to the shelf life of product.
4.4 If lack of knowledge of evaluated package material, the conservative accelerated aging factor must be used. And it must illustrate the relationship between real time aging and accelerated aging by testimony of formation of documents.
Note: The determination of AAF is not in the scope of this guide.
5 Instruments
5.1 Chamber(or box), its size can make the sample containers or packages be independent of exposure to a selected temperature and relative humidity circulating air.
5.1.1 Controlling instruments, can keep the room temperature in tolerance limits under atmospheric conditions required.
5.2 Humidity meter, is used to indicate relative humidity, the accuracy is ±2% relative humidity. Use psychrometer to directly measure the relative humidity or to check humidity meter. (Test method is described in GB/T 11605)
5.3 Thermometer, can use any instrument that can indicate temperature and accuracy is 1℃. Dry bulb thermometer of psychrometer can be used to directly measure temperature or check instruments with temperature indicator.
6. Accelerated aging theory
6.1 Accelerated aging of material refers to performance changes accelerated with time. Performance here refers to those that are related to safety and function of materials and packages.
6.2 In an aging research, make material or package’s exterior suffer a harsher and more frequent stress in a relative short time.
6.3 Accelerated aging technology is based on such assumption that the chemical reaction contained in material deterioration should follow Arrhenius reaction rate function. This function describes the same process as the temperature increases or decreases about 10℃, the chemical reaction rate doubling or halving (Q10)[2].
6.4 Determination of Q10 includes the products were tested at various temperatures and determined diversity of reaction rate for temperature changing 10℃. To simulate the material deterioration under dynamic conditions is very complex and difficult, so it is not covered by this guide [3].
7. Accelerated aging scheme
7.1 Characterization of materials
Accelerated aging (AA) theory and its application are directly related to the constitution of packaging materials. Aspects to be considered are:
7.1.1 Constitution
7.1.2 Morphology (glass state, amorphous, semi-crystal, high crystal, % crystal, etc.)
7.1.3 Thermal conversion point (Tm, Tg, Ta)
7.1.4 Additive, process agent, catalyzer, lubricant, residual solvent and stuffing.
7.2 Accelerated aging scheme----design guide
7.2.1 Must consider temperature limit on basis of instruments and packaging materials characterization in order to assure proper conservative aging factor. According to the expectant storage conditions and packaging material characterization to determine the temperature of the test. Materials characterization and constitution are the important factors for establishing accelerated aging temperature limit. Selection of temperature is advised to avoid material to perform any physical transformation.
7.2.2 Room temperature or ambient temperature (TRT) --- select the temperature that can represent storage and usage conditions of actual product.
Note: The temperature is often at the range of 20~25℃. 25℃ is considered to be conservative value.
7.2.3 Accelerated aging temperature (TAA) --- Combined consideration about material characterization in research, selects a temperature for accelerated aging test. The more the accelerated temperature is, the more the AAF is. Hence, the shorter for the time of accelerated aging. Must pay attention to, not only depends on the improvement of accelerated aging temperature to shorten the time of accelerated aging. Once the temperature is too high then material may react. While this can not happen at actual time temperature or room temperature. (See appendix A) Select aging temperature according to the following guide. Select TAA considering researching the thermal transition temperature of the material. It is advised to select any transition temperature below material or below temperature that make material distorted. For example, it is advised to select temperature that is below Tg of material 10℃ (More information see details at AAMITIR 17-1997). TAA is kept at or below 60℃ unless the higher temperature is testified to be proper. Does not recommend the use of temperature above 60℃ because in many polymerization system, the nonlinear variation probability of occurrence such as percent crystallinity, the formation of free radicals, and peroxides degradation, are relatively high. (More information see details in AAMI TIR 17-1997)
Note 3: If the package contains liquid or other labile constituent, may need to select lower temperature for the consideration of safety. Due to the material characterization shows that increasing the aging temperature is not feasible, can only choose the aging test of actual time.
7.3 Determination of accelerated aging factor
7.3.1 With Arrhenius formula, usually take Q10 equal to 2 is a conservative method to calculate the aging factor.
Note 4: In the literature of research the package with full characterization can be used more positive reaction rate coefficient. For example, Q = 2.2~2.5. The level and nature of damage must be similar to that reported in the literature to assure the reaction temperature coefficient and accelerated aging temperature can be kept in corresponding limit. This is the responsibility of the manufacturer. More information sees AAMI TIR 17-1997.
7.3.2 Calculate accelerated aging factor (AAF) according to formula (1):
AAF ≡ Q10[(TAA-TRT)/10]            (1)
TAA---accelerated aging temperature, unit is ℃;
TRT---ambient temperature, unit is ℃.
7.3.3 The accelerated aging time (AAT) being equal to the actual aging time need to be established through dividing expectant (or asked) actual time by AAF. Calculate according to formula (2):
AAT ≡ RTY/AAF                (2)
AAT--- accelerated aging time;
RTY--- expectant aging time;
AAF--- accelerated aging factor.
The figure of temperature corresponding time is shown in Appendix A.
7.3.4 When lack of package information in research, the above guide provides relatively conservative aging factor. This may produce risk to manufacturer because this method may not properly forecast shorter shelf life. Emphasize on the most safety of the patient because it is not easy to obtain accurate and satisfied shelf life by acquiring necessary information.
7.4 Accelerated aging scheme procedure
7.4.1 Select value of Q10
7.4.2 Determine expectant package shelf life according to the market requirement and product requirement.
7.4.3 Determine the time interval of aging test, include zero time.
7.4.4 Determine test conditions, ambient temperature (TRT) and accelerated aging temperature (TAA).
7.4.5 Calculate test duration time with Q10, TRT and TAA.
7.4.6 Determine the characteristics of package materials, sealing strength and integrity test, sample specification and accepted code.
7.4.7 Implement accelerated aging to sample in TAA. In addition, implement real time aging to sample under ambient temperature (TRT).
7.4.8 Evaluate package performance relative to initial package demand after accelerated aging, such as package sealing strength and package integrity.
7.4.9 Evaluate package and package performance relative to initial package demand after real time aging. The estimated AFF method is a simple and conservative method for evaluating the long-term performance of package. However, like all accelerated aging technique, must be testified by real time aging data.
7.5 Appendix B gives examples for package shelf life test scheme.
8 Test guide after aging
8.1 Must evaluate the physical performance and integrity of package and materials after having experienced aging (include accelerated and real time).
8.2 The selected test is advised to challenge to the most critical performance or the most easily aging stress caused by failure of materials or package. F1585 can be used for test guide of porous barrier medical package.
8.3 The considerable selected physical strength performance include resistance to bending, puncture resistance, stretch-proof and elongation-proof, tear resistance, shock resistance, abrasion resistance, mapping device, microbial barrier (test method F1608), sealing strength (test method F88) and bursting strength (test method F1140).
8.4 The packaging is subjected to a confirmation of package integrity test, such as trace gas detection, dyeing liquid leakage (test method F1929), gas bubble leakage (test method GB/T 15171) or microbial method (the microbial challenge test on the whole package). These methods must be determined and form into documents.
8.5 Establish accepted code first before starting any package shelf life test. The zero time data can be used for the comparison with package performance data at the end of the shelf life test.
9. Formation of documents
9.1 Accelerated aging
9.1.1The test scheme must be planned in written form before test. Regulate accelerated aging conditions (test temperature, humidity, circle, and ambient temperature), time, sample specification, package description, time interval of package sample, and tests in various time intervals.
9.1.2 The used box body temperature and calibrated instruments used for measurement and supervising aging conditions should form into documents.
9.1.3 Test standards and methods used for evaluating package should form into documents.
9.1.4 List used equipment table for physical and microbial test (include calibration data).
9.1.5 The test results after aging (include statistics method used to determine if package meet the performance specifications standards) should form into documents.
Appendix A
(Normative appendix)
Accelerated aging of polymer
A. 1 Accelerated aging that thermal aging of package at selected temperature is equal to room temperature aging in a year.
When polymer thermal aging at selected temperature, the time relative to a year room temperature time (weeks)
Q10 = △10℃ reaction rate constant
Assure room temperature = 22℃
Q10= 1.8
Conservative rate recommended by FDA 1991.
Conservative accepted rate of first-order chemical reaction.
Q10= 2.0
Temperature   time/weeks
Weeks (equal to a year’s room temperature aging)
Aging temperature/℃
The temperature upper limit recommended by most of medical polymers
Figure A.1 Accelerated aging of polymers
Appendix B
(Descriptive appendix)
Examples for package shelf life test scheme
B.1 Select conservative AAF evaluating value, eg. Q10=2. (See figure B.1)
Note: real time aging package test is equal to accelerated aging package test.
Figure B.1 Package shelf life test scheme
B.2 Determine aging time point corresponding to expectant shelf life, for example, 2-year and 3-year time point.
Note: Usually use trend analysis to characterize the impact of aging on materials and package features. The time point of accelerated aging should be set at least one point, but must have the time point corresponding to expectant shelf life (expectant shelf life is divided by aging factor). However, only use on accelerated time point, such risk will happen, namely, can not attain early warning from front accelerated time point and lead to test failure. The trend analysis is advised to consider at least three time point.
B.3 Prepare test samples according to determined production process.
Note: Package used for zero time, sterilization and accelerated aging may not package product or package simulating product.
B.4 Sterilize package with determined sterilization process. Sterilization process may influence the stability of materials or package. Before aging research, materials and package are advised to suffer maximum sterilization conditions or expectant used circling frequency.
B.5 If necessary adjusts samples’ situations according to GB/T 4857. 2. In proper cases, simulating transport according to ASTM D 4169. The packages used in the test should contain actual products.
Note: Generally the package performance test to determine long-term impact of transport and storage on package is included in the aging scheme. Whether to carry on performance test before or after aging depends on whether this research will simulate storage on hospital shelf or manufacturer shelf and subsequent transport. There may also be unnecessary circumstances, if it is known that package is unqualified or the performance limit is known (such as sealing strength, penetration, shock resistance, etc. ) and this is appropriate to the concrete packaged products which has been documented testified and can meet expectant products, then the physical test data are enough.
B.6 Start to implement real time aging and accelerated aging. In corresponding time period, adopts regulated accelerated aging temperature. The length of time of samples laid in the elevating temperature box can be calculated by formula (1) in 7.3.2 and formula (2) in 7.3.3. In the formula AAF refers to accelerated aging factor and AAT is accelerated aging time.
For example, Q10= 2, ambient temperature=23℃, test temperature=55℃,
AAF= 2.03.2=9.19;
AAT≡39.7d≡12 months (equivalent real time)
Note: Impact of humidity needs be considered accompany with temperature. This will combine high humidity period and low humidity period into test cycles. The aging cycle can be design to consideration of impact of humidity.
B.7 After accelerated aging, evaluate if the package performance can conform with desire.
B.7.1 If the accelerated aging results meet the accepted code, it only represents the shelf life of product is determined conditionally, and it should also depends on real time aging research results.
B.7.2 If the accelerated aging results can not meet the accepted code, the process of production needs to be inspected, or redesign the failed medical instruments or package, or tries to determine shorter shelf life, or waits to real time aging results. If real time aging results can be accepted, then shelf life can be determined. This is caused by accelerated aging procedure more strict than real procedure.
B.8 After real time aging, evaluate whether package performance meets desire.
B.8.1 If real time aging results meet accepted code, then shelf life of product can be determined.
B.8.2 If real time aging results can not meet accepted code, shelf life must reduce to the longest shelf life for the success of real time test. If product has been invested into market according to accelerated aging data, must carry on careful review, and form into documents, and adopt corresponding measures.

Unitrans世聯(lián)翻譯公司在您身邊,離您近的翻譯公司,心貼心的專業(yè)服務(wù),專業(yè)的全球語(yǔ)言翻譯與信息解決方案供應(yīng)商,專業(yè)翻譯機(jī)構(gòu)品牌。無(wú)論在本地,國(guó)內(nèi)還是海外,我們的專業(yè)、星級(jí)體貼服務(wù),為您的事業(yè)加速!世聯(lián)翻譯公司在北京、上海、深圳等國(guó)際交往城市設(shè)有翻譯基地,業(yè)務(wù)覆蓋全國(guó)城市。每天有近百萬(wàn)字節(jié)的信息和貿(mào)易通過(guò)世聯(lián)走向全球!積累了大量政商用戶數(shù)據(jù),翻譯人才庫(kù)數(shù)據(jù),多語(yǔ)種語(yǔ)料庫(kù)大數(shù)據(jù)。世聯(lián)品牌和服務(wù)品質(zhì)已得到政務(wù)防務(wù)和國(guó)際組織、跨國(guó)公司和大中型企業(yè)等近萬(wàn)用戶的認(rèn)可。 專業(yè)翻譯公司,北京翻譯公司,上海翻譯公司,英文翻譯,日文翻譯,韓語(yǔ)翻譯,翻譯公司排行榜,翻譯公司收費(fèi)價(jià)格表,翻譯公司收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),翻譯公司北京,翻譯公司上海。
  • “貴司提交的稿件專業(yè)詞匯用詞準(zhǔn)確,語(yǔ)言表達(dá)流暢,排版規(guī)范, 且服務(wù)態(tài)度好。在貴司的幫助下,我司的編制周期得以縮短,稿件語(yǔ)言的表達(dá)質(zhì)量得到很大提升”


  • “我單位是一家總部位于丹麥的高科技企業(yè),和世聯(lián)翻譯第一次接觸,心中仍有著一定的猶豫,貴司專業(yè)的譯員與高水準(zhǔn)的服務(wù),得到了國(guó)外合作伙伴的認(rèn)可!”


  • “我公司是一家荷蘭駐華分公司,主要致力于行為學(xué)研究軟件、儀器和集成系統(tǒng)的開(kāi)發(fā)和銷售工作,所需翻譯的英文說(shuō)明書專業(yè)性強(qiáng),翻譯難度較大,貴司總能提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)!


  • “為我司在東南亞地區(qū)的業(yè)務(wù)開(kāi)拓提供小語(yǔ)種翻譯服務(wù)中,翻譯稿件格式美觀整潔,能最大程度的還原原文的樣式,同時(shí)翻譯質(zhì)量和速度也得到我司的肯定和好評(píng)!”


  • “在此之前,我們公司和其他翻譯公司有過(guò)合作,但是翻譯質(zhì)量實(shí)在不敢恭維,所以當(dāng)我認(rèn)識(shí)劉穎潔以后,對(duì)她的專業(yè)性和貴公司翻譯的質(zhì)量非常滿意,隨即簽署了長(zhǎng)期合作合同!


  • “我行自2017年與世聯(lián)翻譯合作,合作過(guò)程中十分愉快。特別感謝Jasmine Liu, 態(tài)度熱情親切,有耐心,對(duì)我行提出的要求落實(shí)到位,體現(xiàn)了非常高的專業(yè)性!


  • “與我公司對(duì)接的世聯(lián)翻譯客服經(jīng)理,可以及時(shí)對(duì)我們的要求進(jìn)行反饋,也會(huì)盡量滿足我們臨時(shí)緊急的文件翻譯要求。熱情周到的服務(wù)給我們留下深刻印象!”


  • “翻譯金融行業(yè)文件各式各樣版式復(fù)雜,試譯多家翻譯公司,后經(jīng)過(guò)比價(jià)、比服務(wù)、比質(zhì)量等流程下來(lái),最終敲定了世聯(lián)翻譯。非常感謝你們提供的優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù)!


  • “我司所需翻譯的資料專業(yè)性強(qiáng),涉及面廣,翻譯難度大,貴司總能提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)。在一次業(yè)主單位對(duì)完工資料質(zhì)量的抽查中,我司因?yàn)槎砦姆g質(zhì)量過(guò)關(guān)而受到了好評(píng)!


  • “我司在2014年與貴公司建立合作關(guān)系,貴公司的翻譯服務(wù)質(zhì)量高、速度快、態(tài)度好,贏得了我司各部門的一致好評(píng)。貴司經(jīng)理工作認(rèn)真踏實(shí),特此致以誠(chéng)摯的感謝!”


  • “我們需要的翻譯人員,不論是筆譯還是口譯,都需要具有很強(qiáng)的專業(yè)性,貴公司的德文翻譯稿件和現(xiàn)場(chǎng)的同聲傳譯都得到了我公司和合作伙伴的充分肯定!


  • “在這5年中,世聯(lián)翻譯公司人員對(duì)工作的認(rèn)真、負(fù)責(zé)、熱情、周到深深的打動(dòng)了我。不僅譯件質(zhì)量好,交稿時(shí)間及時(shí),還能在我司資金周轉(zhuǎn)緊張時(shí)給予體諒!


  • “我公司與世聯(lián)翻譯一直保持著長(zhǎng)期合作關(guān)系,這家公司報(bào)價(jià)合理,質(zhì)量可靠,效率又高。他們翻譯的譯文發(fā)到國(guó)外公司,對(duì)方也很認(rèn)可!


  • “貴公司翻譯的譯文質(zhì)量很高,語(yǔ)言表達(dá)流暢、排版格式規(guī)范、專業(yè)術(shù)語(yǔ)翻譯到位、翻譯的速度非?、后期服務(wù)熱情。我司翻譯了大量的專業(yè)文件,經(jīng)過(guò)長(zhǎng)久合作,名副其實(shí),值得信賴!


  • “針對(duì)我們農(nóng)業(yè)科研論文寫作要求,盡量尋找專業(yè)對(duì)口的專家為我提供翻譯服務(wù),最后又按照學(xué)術(shù)期刊的要求,提供潤(rùn)色原稿和相關(guān)的證明文件。非常感謝世聯(lián)翻譯公司!”


  • “世聯(lián)的客服經(jīng)理態(tài)度熱情親切,對(duì)我們提出的要求都落實(shí)到位,回答我們的問(wèn)題也非常有耐心。譯員十分專業(yè),工作盡職盡責(zé),獲得與其共事的公司總部同事們的一致高度認(rèn)可!


  • “我公司與馬來(lái)西亞政府有相關(guān)業(yè)務(wù)往來(lái),急需翻譯項(xiàng)目報(bào)備材料。在經(jīng)過(guò)對(duì)各個(gè)翻譯公司的服務(wù)水平和質(zhì)量的權(quán)衡下,我們選擇了世聯(lián)翻譯公司。翻譯很成功,公司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)非常滿意。”


  • “客服經(jīng)理能一貫熱情負(fù)責(zé)的完成每一次翻譯工作的組織及溝通。為客戶與譯員之間搭起順暢的溝通橋梁。能協(xié)助我方建立專業(yè)詞庫(kù),并向譯員準(zhǔn)確傳達(dá)落實(shí),準(zhǔn)確及高效的完成統(tǒng)一風(fēng)格!

    HEURTEY PETROCHEM法國(guó)赫銻石化

  • “貴公司與我社對(duì)翻譯項(xiàng)目進(jìn)行了幾次詳細(xì)的會(huì)談,期間公司負(fù)責(zé)人和廖小姐還親自來(lái)我社拜訪,對(duì)待工作熱情,專業(yè)度高,我們雙方達(dá)成了很好的共識(shí)。對(duì)貴公司的服務(wù)給予好評(píng)!”


  • “非常感謝世聯(lián)翻譯!我們對(duì)此次緬甸語(yǔ)訪談翻譯項(xiàng)目非常滿意,世聯(lián)在充分了解我司項(xiàng)目的翻譯意圖情況下,即高效又保質(zhì)地完成了譯文!


  • “在合作過(guò)程中,世聯(lián)翻譯保質(zhì)、保量、及時(shí)的完成我們交給的翻譯工作?蛻艚(jīng)理工作積極,服務(wù)熱情、周到,能全面的了解客戶的需求,在此表示特別的感謝!


  • “我們通過(guò)圖書翻譯項(xiàng)目與你們相識(shí)乃至建立友誼,你們報(bào)價(jià)合理、服務(wù)細(xì)致、翻譯質(zhì)量可靠。請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我們借此機(jī)會(huì)向你們表示衷心的感謝!”


  • “很滿意世聯(lián)的翻譯質(zhì)量,交稿準(zhǔn)時(shí),中英互譯都比較好,措辭和句式結(jié)構(gòu)都比較地道,譯文忠實(shí)于原文。TNC是一家國(guó)際環(huán)保組織,發(fā)給我們美國(guó)總部的同事后,他們反應(yīng)也不錯(cuò)。”


  • “原英國(guó)首相布萊爾來(lái)訪,需要非常專業(yè)的同聲傳譯服務(wù),因是第一次接觸,心中仍有著一定的猶豫,但是貴司專業(yè)的譯員與高水準(zhǔn)的服務(wù),給我們留下了非常深刻的印象!


  • “在與世聯(lián)翻譯合作期間,世聯(lián)秉承著“上善若水、厚德載物”的文化理念,以上乘的品質(zhì)和質(zhì)量,信守對(duì)客戶的承諾,出色地完成了我公司交予的翻譯工作!


  • “由于項(xiàng)目要求時(shí)間相當(dāng)緊湊,所以世聯(lián)在保證質(zhì)量的前提下,盡力按照時(shí)間完成任務(wù)。使我們?cè)谑啦⿻?huì)俄羅斯館日活動(dòng)中準(zhǔn)備充足,并受到一致好評(píng)。”


  • “貴公司針對(duì)客戶需要,挑選優(yōu)秀的譯員承接項(xiàng)目,翻譯過(guò)程客戶隨時(shí)查看中途稿,并且與客戶溝通術(shù)語(yǔ)方面的知識(shí),能夠更準(zhǔn)確的了解到客戶的需求,確保稿件高質(zhì)量。”





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