- 翻譯公司資訊
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-25 09:06 點(diǎn)擊:
Processing & inspection process Program Principal Record
1. The warehouse will check out materials’ manufacturers, goods name, specification, quantity and so on according to the purchase order and supplier's delivery note. If they are consistent with the order or not, these materials will be labeled with identification card and put in inspection waiting area, the inspection sheet will be printed, and the life department will be informed for the inspection
1. Upon receiving the incoming inspection sheet from the warehouse, it should check out if the inspection date is correct or not and if the principal of warehouse signed the name or not; if the supplier is qualified or not; it should check out seriously before signing the name and accepting it.
2. Find the corresponding batch of raw materials in inspection waiting area to check out if there are any certificates or test report sattached to them; if the external packing is labeled with identification card, and if the information on identification card is consistent with the inspection sheet or not.
1. Find out corresponding testing standard and inspection specifications according to the product information on the warehouse inspection sheet; according to the product quantity on the inspection sheet, determine the number of sampling inspection and make sampling based on the sampling plan.
1. Take inspection sheet and inspection standard or specification (the controlled drawings or controlled standard), the incoming inspection control point table, incoming inspection record and necessary inspection tools to the inspection waiting area for material inspection; If the inspection standard is not controlled, the inspection can't be conducted and then inform related departments to provide controlled testing standard immediately by phone.
2. Upon inspection, it should involve product’s appearance, structure, performance in accordance with the standard requirements, trial assembly can be adopted when necessary, and check out the reliability of test results.
3. The actual test data for the inspection with data result should be filled in inspection record data table, and the data can be filled according to each record or the scope of data can be filled.
1. The inspection result is recorded on the incoming inspection record and handed over to inspection engineer for review in case of qualified inspection result.
2. The inspection engineer should sign her/his name on the inspection records under qualified inspection result, and otherwise, the engineer should arrange the inspection again in case of unqualified inspection result.
1. Inspector will fill the inspection result in the inspection sheet and then turned over to the warehouse. Then, the warehouse put qualified products into storage.
1. Register information and test results about this batch of raw materials on shared Statistics Table of Raw Material Inspection
2. Take cake of inspection record and inspection data by category.
1. Decide the products that will be produced as well as the product category according to production plan, and prepare corresponding inspection standards and inspection data.
2. Prepare the first report and inspection, aging test record according to production plan.
3. The manufacturing department conducts the production of the first product based on SOP and conduct the inspection for the first product; they will inform the inspector for inspection if the products are qualified by self-inspection.
After the life department get the notice, they should conduct the confirmation about the inspection of first product with manufacturing department, which includes:
1. If personnel in each process are qualified or not, welding and potting personnel possess corresponding qualification or not, and the operation process for operators in every process is in accordance with SOP or not.
2. If the instruments and equipments needed in production are in accordance with SOP requirements or not and if they are in good state or not.
3. If the materials is in accordance with regulation in SOP or not, and if the material consumption for every process is in accordance with regulation in BOM.
4. If there is controlled SOP or not, if the SOP is in accordance with the actual products or not, and if there are any misses or items that are regulated unclearly during the operation for every process or not.
5. If the anti-static measures is in accordance with the requirements or not, and if the materials are placed on regulated area and labeled clearly or not.
6. Conduct the inspection for the appearance, function, effect of the assembly about the first product. If the inspection can’t pass, it should be remade by the manufactured department or made after the feedback to related departments according to actual situation.
1.The batch production can be conducted after the first product qualified and the self-inspection should be done according to SOP
2. If unqualified situation occurs, it should inform the life department for confirmation and process it according to unqualified procedure.
Product assembly & potting inspection
1. If the function reaches to the standards or not, if there are any new problems during the assemble or not and if the appearance is in accordance with the standard on appearance or not.
2. Electrostatic protection, if the operators wear electrostatic bracelet or static gloves or not when they are in contact with light board, and in PCB operation process , and if products are placed on the anti-static assembly line.
3. If the work done by the operators is in accordance with SOP or not, if the placement of products will produce negative influence their quality or not, and if product handling will produce threats to the quality of products or not.
4. For items that are unqulified, they should be reported to manufacturing department for improvement. If they haven’t improvement in the allotted time, it should be reported to the department to decide if it is needed to stopped for rectifing and reforming or not.
5. The routing inspection should be conducted for every 2 hours. The sampling should be in accordance with sampling standard of routing inspection. If the sampling result is unqualified, it should make out the processing plan with manufacturing department. If there are signaficance matters, it should organize related departments for appraisal, the specific process of which should be conducted according to unqualified process.
1. The manufacturing department transfer qualified products to the aging/curing process which will start after the signature of inspection personnel from life department for confirmation on the production process card.
2. During curing aging process, if there are unqualified products found by the self-inspection of manufacturing department, it should inform the life department for comfirmation and then make treatment for them according to the unqualified processing procedure.
Aging routing inspection:
1. If the identified card is corrected or not, and what’s more, if it is on the corresponding product aging line; if the product process card is signed by the life department or not.
2. If the lighting effect of product is normal or not, and if there is any chromatic aberration or not.
3. If the product can be ignited or not. If the power supply is matched or not when the product can give out the light.
4. The routing inspection should be conducted once during 11:00-12:00 and 16:00 – 17:00 everyday, and make detail record for it.
5. Under unqualified situation, it should make out the processing plan with manufacturing department. If there are signaficance matters, it should organize related departments for appraisal, the specific process of which should be conducted according to unqualified process.
Curing test:
1. if the identified card is put on corresponding products or not, and if the procedure process has signed by the life department or not.
2. if the glue is cured completely or not, and if the performance and appearance is in accordance with requirements or not.
1. Put the first product's inspection records, inspection records, aging test record table for this shift conducted today into project folder by item and date.
2. Compiled unqualified items and processing results about products produced today by this shift into the unqualified record in detail.
3. Record the number of production and processing on production process card after comfirmation by statistics.
1. Decide products that will be produced as well as the product category according to production plan, and prepare corresponding inspection standards and inspection data.
1. The manufacturing department conducts the production of the first product based on SOP and conduct the inspection for the first product; they will inform the inspector of inspection if products are qualified by self-inspection.
After the life department get the notice, they will conduct the confirmation about the inspection of first product with manufacturing department, which includes:
1. If personnel in each process are qualified or not, and the operation process for operators in every process is in accordance with SOP or not.
2. If the instruments and equipments needed in production are in accordance with SOP requirements or not and if they are in good state or not.
3. If the materials is in accordance with regulation in SOP or not, and if the material consumption for every process is in accordance with regulation in BOM or not.
4. If there is controlled SOP or not, if the SOP is in accordance with the actual products or not, and if there are any misses or items that are regulated unclearly during the operation for every process or not.
1.The batch production can be conducted after the first product passed and the self-inspection should be done according to SOP
2. If unqualified situation occurs, it should inform the life department for confirmation and process it according unqualified procedure.
Packing routing inspection
1. If the package is same as the first one or not, if there are any new problems during the assemble or not and if the appearance is in accordance with the standard on appearance or not.
2. If the work done by the operators is in accordance with SOP or not, if the placement of products will produce negative influence their quality or not, and if product handling will produce threats to the quality of products or not.
3. For items that are unqulified found during the routing inspection, they should be reported to manufacturing department for improvement. If they haven’t improvement in the allotted time, it should be reported to the department to decide if it is needed to stopped for rectifing and reforming.
4. The routing inspection should be record in detail for late review.
5. The routing inspection should be conducted for every 2 hours. The sampling should be in accordance with sampling standard of routing inspection. If the sampling result is unqualified, it should make out the processing plan with manufacturing department. If there are signaficance matters, it should organize related departments for appraisal, the specific process of which should be conducted according to unqualified process.
1. After package of batch, put the products that will be in storage in inspection waiting area and inform the life department for incoming inspection.
1. Take inspection sheet and inspection standard or specification (the controlled drawings or controlled standard), finished product control point table, finished product record and necessary inspection tools to the inspection waiting area for sampling of finished product and inspection.
2. Upon inspection, it should conduct the inspection about products based on the inspection standard items on inspection record table.
3. Fill the test data in the inspection record data table to make judgment and then sign it.
1. The Inspector will fill the inspection result in the inspection sheet and then turned over to the warehouse. Then, the warehouse put qualified products into storage.
1. Register information and test results about this batch of finished products on shared Statistics Table of Finished Product Inspection
2. Take cake of inspection record and inspection data by category.
3. Record the number of production and processing on production process card after comfirmation by statistics.Warehouse
Inspection engineer
Inspection engineer
Manufacturing department;
Shift leader
Shift leader
Manufacturing department;
Shift leader
Shift leader
Shift leader
Inspection engineer
Shift leader;
Shift leader
Packing group
Shift leader
Warehouse inspector
Shift leaderInspection sheet
Inspection record
Inspection record
Inspection record
Inspection record
Inspection record;
Raw material inspector;
statistical table
production plan;
Inspection record;
Routing inspection;
Aging inspection record table;
Curing inspection record;
Inspection record of first product;
Inspection record of first product
Routing inspection record
Routing inspection record
Curing inspection table
Inspection sheet for finished product before put into storage
Inspection table for finished product;
Inspection statistical table for finished product
Inspection sheet for finished product before put into storage