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Living in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, voice over actor Ahl. Satiken never expected that among the many short videos he has shared on the internet about Kazak culture, a traditional puppet dance known as "Orteke" would capture so much attention, causing many netizens to comment that "the culture of China's minority groups is truly eye opening."視頻中的演奏者阿合力·沙提坎是新疆廣播電視臺的主持人也是一位手工藝愛好者他表演的“木偶山羊舞”名叫“沃爾鐵克”圖片圖源:抖音@阿合力·沙提坎據(jù)中國民俗學(xué)會介紹“沃爾鐵克”是指哈薩克族民間藝術(shù)“跳山羊”的一種民俗戲劇它是用木頭和輔助材料羊皮或者馬皮、牛皮制作的近似木偶的一種道具圖片圖源:抖音@阿合力·沙提坎Orteke is an ancient Kazak performance art that sees a puppeteer make handmade wooden goat puppets dance to the plucked musical instrument known as the dombra.表演時冬不拉彈奏者將與羊偶關(guān)節(jié)相連的細線圈套在手指上羊偶便會隨演奏動作翩翩起舞詼諧靈活的羊偶模仿著公巖羊在懸崖峭壁上行走奔跑爬山越嶺、翻滾起跪等動作將巖羊的風貌生動展現(xiàn)出來給觀眾帶去無限趣味圖片圖源:抖音@阿合力·沙提坎"These goat puppets can eat grass, grind their horns and even use their horns to butt people. The secret lies in controlling how strongly you pull the strings according to the tempo of the music," said Satiken.沃爾鐵克表演者會用簡單的道具扮成山羊悄悄地來到圍坐在地毯上群眾的后面先“咩、咩”地叫喚兩聲然后和著樂曲蹦跳進場表演吃草、喝水、磨角以及用角頂人等動作這總會引起一陣歡笑圖片圖源:抖音@扎老爺在沙提坎的兒時記憶中小孩子哭鬧的時候老人便會彈奏冬不拉并表演一段沃爾鐵克把小孩子逗樂這種哈薩克族自娛自樂的民間藝術(shù)曾經(jīng)廣為流傳但這些年隨著人們審美觀念的變化以及時代的變遷沃爾鐵克逐漸瀕臨失傳沙提坎的視頻走紅后許多網(wǎng)友驚嘆“這是第一次見到”“這么好看千萬不能失傳”圖片圖片圖片"Please send this show to the Spring Festival Gala!" one netizen commented on Satiken's short video. Held every year, the Spring Festival Gala is the biggest televised performance in China and traditionally exhibits the country's diverse culture to viewers in China and around the world.目前沃爾鐵克已在阿勒泰申請成為地區(qū)級非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)像沙提坎這樣的愛好者也在線上傳承并推廣著這種古老的哈薩克族藝術(shù)為了便于更多來自不同文化背景的觀眾欣賞沃爾鐵克沙提坎還對表演加以創(chuàng)新在羊偶下方增加了“舞臺”圖片圖源:抖音@阿合力·沙提坎Satiken said that in order to get more people from different cultural backgrounds on the internet interested in this ingenious ethnic art, he made some tweaks to traditional Orteke.Compared to the original version, Satiken's Douyin Orteke has added a stage so his tiny performers can dance better.But what hasn't changed is that the goat puppets are still handmade.酷愛手工的沙提坎經(jīng)常曬出自己制作羊偶的視頻他說自己有時甚至會一直制作到凌晨4點卻因為沉浸其中而感覺不到累受到沙提坎影響他6歲的兒子已經(jīng)把沃爾鐵克羊偶當作自己最好的玩伴圖片圖片圖源:抖音@阿合力·沙提坎Staying up late to play with his goat puppets sometimes until 4 am, Satiken is a diligent Orteke performer who says he never feels tired when doing the things he loves and that he will continue to use social media as a tool to promote his ethnic culture."What I want to do is get as many people as possible to learn about this magical and ancient art, so that they can have a chance to come into contact with it," he said.演奏視頻爆火后沙提坎說:“大家能夠喜歡我也高興因為作為中華文化不可分割的一部分我也希望‘沃爾鐵克’能夠代代相傳下去”"I see a lot of people on the internet embracing the cultures of Xinjiang. I guess this shows that the region's diverse ethnic cultures are all celebrated as gems of Chinese culture," Satiken remarked.為手工藝達人沃爾鐵克愛好者阿合力·沙提坎點贊!新聞來源:烏魯木齊晚報,新疆網(wǎng),新疆廣播電視臺,抖音@阿合力·沙提坎,環(huán)球網(wǎng)Unitrans世聯(lián)翻譯公司在您身邊,離您近的翻譯公司,心貼心的專業(yè)服務(wù),專業(yè)的全球語言翻譯與信息解決方案供應(yīng)商,專業(yè)翻譯機構(gòu)品牌。無論在本地,國內(nèi)還是海外,我們的專業(yè)、星級體貼服務(wù),為您的事業(yè)加速!專業(yè)翻譯公司,北京翻譯公司,上海翻譯公司,英文翻譯,日文翻譯,韓語翻譯,翻譯公司排行榜,翻譯公司收費價格表,翻譯公司收費標準,翻譯公司北京,翻譯公司上海。